Monday, December 26, 2011

TENSES - Present Tense

A. Simple Present
yaitu bentuk waktu yang digunakan unt menyatakan perbuatan yg suda menjadi kebiasaan.
Rumus : S + V1 + s/es --> unt kalimat postitip. (yaelahh ada rumusnya kaya matematika aja ya, hehe)
- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (Matahari terbit di timur dan tenggelam di barat)
- I studies english every morning, I goes to school every day.
- Ninda does not go to school every day
- The sun does not rise in the west and does not set in the east. (Matahari tidak terbit di barat dan tidak tenggelam di timur).
- Do you learn every night ?
- Does she breakfeat every morning ?

B. Present Continuos 
Bentuk waktu yang menyatakan suatu perbutan/kejadian yang sedang terjadi.

Kalimat Positif : Subject + To Be + Verb1 + ing
Contoh :
1. I am going to Mount Everest.
2. He is playing game with his friends.
3. Farmers in Blora are growing rice crops now. (Petani-petani di Blora sedang bercock tanam padi sekarang).
4. I am discussing English with my colleagues now. (Saya sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kerja saya sekarang).
5. We are not studying English now. (Kita tidak sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang).
6. Are we studying English at the moment? (Apakah kita sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang?)

C. Present Prefect
Bentuk Waktu yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah terjadi. Dan kejadian itu tidak menyebutkan waktu yang khusus.
Kalimat Positif : Subject + Have/Has + Verb3
Contoh :
1. I have finished the project.
2. He has eaten in the restaurant this day.

3. Farmers in Blora have grown rice crops since 1970. (Petani-petani di Blora telah menanam padi sejak tahun 1970).
Kalimat Negatif : Subject + Have/Has + not + Verb 3

Contoh :
1. We have not prayed.
2. She has not slept for 2 day.
Kalimat Tanya : Have/has + Subject + Verb3

Contoh :
1. Have you tried that programs ?
2. Has it flown from that place ?

D. Present Prefect Continuos

Bentuk waktu yang dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau.
Rumus :
Kalimat Positif : Subject + Have/has + been + verb +ing
Contoh :  
1. I Have been living since 1994 in Sidoarjo.
2. The boy has been crying since he was a child.
3. Farmers in Blora have been grown rice crops since 1970. (Petani-petani di Blora telah menanam padi sejak tahun 1970).
Kalimat Negatif : Subject + Have/has + not + been + verb + ing
Contoh :
1. She has not been praying.
2. They have not been playing foorball.
Kalimat Tanya : Have/has + Subject + been + verb + ing
Contoh :
1. Have we been robbed Bank ?
2. Has it been stored that bone ?


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